2016年7月20日 星期三

伯里克利 和 特朗普

 This man Pericles extravagantly admired, and being gradually filled full of the so‑called higher philosophy and elevated speculation, he not only had, as it seems, a spirit that was solemn and a discourse that was lofty and free from plebeian and reckless effrontery, but also a composure of countenance that never relaxed into laughter, a gentleness of carriage and cast of attire that suffered no emotion to disturb it while he was speaking, a modulation of voice that was far from boisterous, and many similar characteristics which struck all his hearers with wondering amazement.(Plutarch, Pericles 51)

魯塔克 在 伯里克利 傳記中這樣形容這位公元前五世紀雅典政治家。觀乎今時美共和黨總統參選人特朗普的小丑作風,美國這個民主霸權和雅典這個民主祖先以經愈離愈遠,是人民質素問題還是什麼原因呢?

