2014年6月28日 星期六






其實如果泛民真正想拉布至少可以玩多幾日,但收到order要收工,無法啦。不過集體離場抗議等政府議案可以通過 這條橋已經用得太多,觀眾眼睛是雪亮的,再用就會穿崩。下次應該玩逐個抬走這一招。

整齣戲演出最差的是主席吳亮星 。口窒窒,手震震。以前跑馬地有個故事,有一場幕後內定一個新牌仔騎師爆冷,同場由大師傅的大熱馬揹飛,開跑後新牌仔隻馬推極都唔去,後面的大師傅們要拉馬拉到幾乎停。突然新牌仔聽到後面蹄聲大作,眼尾見到大師傅的馬如飛殺上,新牌仔心急之下竟然連馬鞭皆跌落,心想這次慘了,累幕後輸大錢,自己不知會怎個死法。跟著聽見旁邊大師傅鞭如雨下。新牌仔心想這次死了!但怪事發生了!新牌仔的馬突然有如神助大步衝前竟然奪冠。原來大師傅打的是新牌仔隻馬。


2014年6月25日 星期三

Box art of Charles Kibler, George Parrish Jr.

From the hay day of Avalon Hill, one of its best box arts, Turning Point : Stalingrad.
The empty eyes, the weary face of a German soldier amid the rubble of Stalingrad under a crimson sky is story telling . Seldom is the individual face expression being put on wargame box art. This is a rare box art showing the face expression of an unknown participant of the battle.
 Around more or less the same time another game from AH,  Russian Front.
The box art captured the expectation of victory on the face of the soldier campaigning alongside a panzer column on the endless steppes of Russia. Veteran wargamers may find the two Stukas quite familiar, they appeared in AH's Third Reich Box Art.
The artists of the box art:
Turning Point : Stalingrad - Charles Kibler, George Parrish Jr.
Russian Front - Charles Kibler, George Parrish Jr., Neil Zimmerer

Avalon Hill was acquired by Hasbro. Many of these excellent games were out of print.
To view more of the works of the above brilliant artists search for Advanced Squad leader module at BoardGameGeek.